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Our Reviews Of The 5 Best Mushroom Blend Powder Brands

First: Who am I, and why did we write this article?

I’m Vella Gonzaga, and I’m a freelance content writer who specializes in fitness, CBD, adaptogens, and nootropics.

We published this article because we noticed the growing interest in adaptogenic mushrooms and the proliferation of these products on the market, and wanted to create the most comprehensive source of information online about the subject, because it also happened to be in our wheelhouse. The Unwinder strives to publish high-quality, trustworthy information about ‘new wellness’ that its readers can use as a reference for making decisions about how they can best optimize their health. 

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Best Mushroom Blend Powder Brands At A Glance

Best Mushroom Powder Blend

Real Mushrooms 5 Defenders

The 5 Defenders mushroom blend powder contains a mix of reishi, shiitake, maitake, turkey tail, and chaga. It’s been tested and verified to contain at least 20% beta-glucans.

Best Natural Tasting Mushroom Powder Blend

Four Sigmatic Mushroom Blend

This blend contains 10 different types of functional mushrooms including cordyceps, lion’s mane, and shiitake. It can be easily added to tea, coffee, smoothies, and soup.

Best Mushroom Powder Blend With Adaptogens

Om Mushroom Master Blend

This blend combines 10 mushroom species and 3 botanical adaptogens.

Most Affordable Mushroom Powder Blend

Microingredients Organic Mega Mushrooms

This powder blend contains 10 mushroom species and is one of the most potent and affordable blends available today.

Best Organic Mushroom Powder Blend

Sacred 7 Mushroom Extract Powder

Sacred 7 contains seven historically revered mushroom species: chaga, cordyceps, lion’s mane, maitake, reishi, shitake, and turkey tail, each derived from organic mushroom fruiting bodies.

Mushrooms lack the vibrant colors and sweet flavors of many fruits and vegetables, and they’re a humble food that grows in dark, damp forests. However, they too contain an abundance of antioxidants and medicinal properties which is why the market for them extends far beyond the shiitake and portobello mushrooms found in the produce section. 

Suddenly, exotic mushrooms have appeared in everything from coffee powders to capsules, to beauty products and more. According to one report, the functional mushroom market is estimated to grow from $42 billion to $62 billion by 2023. 

There are various forms of medicinal mushroom supplements, but one of the most common ways to take them is in the form of a mushroom blend powder. Whether you want to replace your morning coffee with adaptogenic mushrooms or you need an extra boost at the gym, there’s a mushroom blend powder available for your specific health goal.

Here, I’ll explain what mushroom blend powders are, discuss what research says about their benefits, and review the 5 best mushroom blend powder supplements available.

What Is A Mushroom Blend Powder?

Mushroom blend powders are pulverized dried mushrooms that you can mix into your meals, soups, beverages, coffee, and even water. The taste of each mushroom blend powder depends on its consistency as well as the types of mushrooms included, and ranges from a fresh earthy flavor to a rich meaty flavor.

Regardless of how it tastes, mushroom blend powder is an excellent addition to your healthy lifestyle.

However, you may wonder why you should take mushroom blend powder when you can eat mushrooms instead. Mushroom blend powder has a higher nutrient concentration per serving and is more cost-effective as well. Therefore, you experience the benefits of certain mushrooms on a daily basis without having to prepare meals or buy specific mushrooms at the store.

There are many different types of mushroom powders on the market, including shiitake, chaga, reishi, lion’s mane, cordyceps, and porcini, each with its own set of benefits. Some brands sell mushroom powders that contain only one type of mushroom, whereas mushroom blend powders combine several mushrooms into a single mix. The concept of combining several mushroom powders in a unique blend creates a new taste while allowing you to enjoy the nutrients of numerous mushrooms.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Mushroom Blend Powder?

The benefits of each mushroom blend powder varies and are dependent on the type of mushrooms included within the blend. However, here are three of the main health benefits of the mushrooms that are most commonly included within mushroom blend powder supplements.

Improves Athletic Performance

Studies show that cordyceps can boost ATP production in the body, allowing for efficient energy accumulation. According to one study, Cs-4 (Cordyceps sinensis) can improve exercise performance and wellness in healthy older subjects.  

Researchers used a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to investigate the effects of Cs-4 on the exercise performance of healthy aged subjects by giving them Cs-4 for 12 weeks. Researchers discovered that supplementation increased their metabolic threshold by 10.5 percent and their ventilatory hall by 8.5 percent. 

Reduces Sugar Levels

One research study has found that lingzhi, better known as reishi, mushroom extracts can help reduce blood sugar levels. Reishi mushroom contains polysaccharides that regulate hypoglycemic activity.

Researchers have suggested it raises plasma insulin levels while decreasing plasma sugar levels in mice. Reishi mushroom protein can also reduce lymphocyte infiltration and improve insulin antibody detection.

Another study in China used Cordyceps sinensis to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus. The study mainly focused on the potential hypoglycemic and renoprotective effects of cordyceps extract. The study results showed that cordyceps treatment does not improve hyperglycemia or insulin resistance, however, it enhances renal activity and reduces mesangial matrix accumulation and collagen deposition. Researchers concluded that Cordyceps sinensis can’t treat type 2 diabetes, but it is an effective treatment for the symptoms of diabetes.

Enhances Immunity

Most mushrooms contain compounds that have immunomodulatory effects that help boost the immune system. In one particular study, researchers tested the immunomodulatory effects of chaga extract on bone marrow cells of mice. The mushroom extract was administered for 24 days, followed by various test methods.

The researchers found that chaga catalyzes the spleen lymphocytes, which regulate the immune system, allowing the body to fight off foreign viruses and bacteria that enter the body. This suggests that chaga extract has great potential in enhancing the immune system, especially during chemotherapy. 

Our Reviews Of The 5 Best Mushroom Blend Powder Brands

Best Mushroom Powder Blend

Real Mushrooms 5 Defenders

Real Mushrooms was founded by Skye Chilton who is the son of Jeff Chilton, the founder of Nammex which is the leading organic mushroom extract ingredients supplier in North America.

This brand has 40 years of experience in the mushroom industry and offers 100% organic mushroom products that are recommended and prescribed by over 1,500 practitioners nationwide.

5 Defenders by Real Mushrooms is a mushroom blend that includes reishi, shiitake, maitake, turkey tail, and chaga.

It has been tested and verified to contain at least 20% beta-glucans, a sugar compound found in fungi that have been shown in clinical trials to have significant antimicrobial, anticancer, anti-diabetic, and anti-hypercholesterolemia properties.

This mushroom blend powder comes in a 45-gram pack with 45 servings for only $34.95. It’s the best mushroom blend powder on the market, combining five beneficial mushrooms at a reasonable price.

Best Natural Tasting Mushroom Powder Blend

Four Sigmatic Mushroom Blend

Four Sigmatic is a well-known brand in the powdered mushroom market. All of their mushroom supplements are USDA Organic certified, making them one of the best medicinal mushroom manufacturers and mushroom formula providers available today.

Four Sigmatic’s Mushroom Blend contains 10 different types of functional mushrooms, such as cordyceps, lion’s mane, and shiitake, that work together to boost your immune system and are nutrient-dense.

This is by far the best natural-tasting powder on the market, delivering a perfect earthy blend. It’s also caffeine-free and be easily mixed into tea, coffee, smoothies, and soup.

Best Mushroom Powder Blend With Adaptogens

Om Mushroom Master Blend

OM Mushroom Superfood specializes in various mushroom products, such as capsules, broth, drink mix, and powder blend.

The OM Master Blend combines 10 mushroom species and 3 botanical adaptogens, making it the best mushroom powder blend combination.

Taking this powder blend means eating a superfood that meets most of your body’s mineral requirements. The 10 mushroom species each have unique benefits that address specific body functions and diseases, so you’re basically taking your health to the next level with OM’s mushroom blend powder.

Most Affordable Mushroom Powder Blend

Microingredients Organic Mega Mushrooms

Microingredients is one of California’s leading suppliers of raw and pure nutrition, with a total of 173 different products. Their powders contain over 200 raw ingredients that are free of fillers, additives, binders, preservatives, and artificial colors or flavors.

Each product is also clinically tested to ensure its purity and organic status. However, Microingredients stands out for offering fantastic deals to customers.

Microingredient’s mushroom blend is available in a container pack with 284 servings for only $39.95. It guarantees that you will reap significant benefits from their mushroom powder after 284 days of use.

Aside from that, the powder blend contains 10 mushroom species with no traces of soy, gluten, or tree nuts, making it an excellent choice for long-term development.

Best Organic Mushroom Powder Blend

Sacred 7 Mushroom Extract Powder

Naturealm promotes using essential ingredients found in nature to improve health and longevity. As a result, they derive their products from mushrooms, which they call the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.

Despite only selling 6 products, the brand is the best option for organic mushroom products. Like 5 Defenders, Naturerealm’s mushrooms are also from Nammex, so you get at least 20% beta-glucans and 100% whole fruiting body mushrooms with no fillers or added grain.

Naturealm Sacred 7 is derived from 7 historically revered mushroom species: chaga, cordyceps, lion’s mane, maitake, reishi, shitake, and turkey tail, all sourced from organic mushroom fruiting bodies.

Each serving contains 143 mg of the species above, classifying the combination as an adaptogenic, nootropic, and immune-boosting superfood. Sacred 7 is a 100 % pure mushroom powder that is vegan, soy-free, gluten-free, and non-GMO.

Also read our article on the best Four Sigmatic products!

Editor’s note: we are regularly updating this review. If you see any problems, weird interpretations of the data, or just want to say hi, please reach out to

Photo by Emma-Jane Hobden on Unsplash

About the author

Vella is a freelance content writer specializing in health and wellness, fitness, lifestyle, and CBD, among others. She worked as a journalist for a radio station before venturing into freelance writing. In her free time, she travels and explores nature and beaches. She can be reached via email at
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