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Everything You Need To Know About Kratom Legality And Drug Testing

Kratom grows as a tree in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea. For many years, the leaves of the tree have been used as medicine. Due to the fact that kratom helps some people with pain, addiction, and stress—and can produce euphoria—its popularity in the states is rising (click here for a comprehensive view of the variety of kratom effects). However, some states have had kratom banned due to safety concerns. 

Researchers have found that naturally occurring compounds in kratom attach themselves to the same parts of the human nervous system as opioid painkillers, producing similar effects. Unfortunately, there simply hasn’t been enough research on the subject for robust scientific conclusions, and recommendations, about kratom use. 

Despite the lack of research, there is evidence that kratom may have serious side effects. Since it works as an opioid in some ways, it could also be addictive, and it can produce adverse reactions as severe as seizures—though overdoses are typically associated with taking far too much kratom. Because of these issues, kratom is a controlled substance—meaning that it’s either illegal or only available if prescribed by a medical professional—in:

  • Australia
  • Some European countries
  • Malaysia
  • Thailand

The United States DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) has classified kratom as a Drug of Concern, meaning that although it’s not controlled at the federal level, the DEA believes taking kratom presents users with a safety risk.

Is Kratom Legal?

Is kratom illegal, and if so, where?

As we’ve mentioned, Kratom is legal at the federal level in the US. However, some states have restricted or banned it in some form. 

In 2016, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) proposed banning this drug at the federal level, but saw the kratom ban reversed to allow for more research time.  

Given that the kratom ban was reversed, kratom possession and usage cannot land you in federal prison. 

Can you take kratom on a plane? The laws around the world aren’t uniform. It’s probably not safe to travel with kratom on a plane unless you move between countries, or US states, where it’s unambiguously legal.

To be clear, just because a country hasn’t explicitly banned a drug doesn’t mean you can travel with it there. Always find out the climate regarding drugs of any kind before flying with kratom. 

Where Is Kratom Illegal?

In the United States, kratom is used by 3 to 5 million people, according to the American Kratom Association, making it a popular topic on the federal and state level. 

So, is kratom legal? Well, not exactly. 

Which states have banned Kratom? They include:

  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Florida
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • New Hampshire
  • Tennessee and
  • Wisconsin 

Where is Kratom illegal outside of the US? 

The EU doesn’t have umbrella laws, leading to some countries banning or controlling it, while others don’t. Kratom ban news shows that the debate is still going on in many places. 

In other places, it’s a matter of drug classification or specific kratom laws. For instance, To find out more about the status of kratom legality across the world, check out Kratom Science’s worldwide guide

Does Kratom Show Up On A Drug Test?

You may be wondering, ‘does kratom show up in a drug test?’

Kratom is not detectable on standard drug tests (the 5-panel, for instance).

There is a drug test that specifically tests for kratom, known as the kratom 10-panel drug test

The 10-panel is a drug test kratom shows up on up to 9 days after use. 

Kratom dosage will also have some impact on how long after taking it the kratom still shows up on a test.

How Long Does Kratom Last In Your System?

But, how long can kratom be detectable in urine?

Using urine or blood, some of kratom’s alkaloids will show up for up to 9 days. However, this depends on some variations in different body systems like:

  • Fat percentage and body weight (the heavier you are, the longer it can stay in your system)
  • Age (older people metabolize slower than younger people)
  • Your general metabolic rate (age notwithstanding)
  • Amount of kratom taken
  • Any other substance that was mixed with kratom when you took it
  • Health issues and liver function 

Despite warnings by the U.S. FDA and kratom ban petition by the DEA, the plant continues to gain popularity.  

Kratom legislation news shows that some countries are warming up to it. Thailand removed kratom from its narcotics list after recently legalizing medical marijuana. 

Note: All the information in this article is for entertainment purposes only. Consult with a physician before taking kratom.

About the author

Kimanthi Sammy is a copywriter who specializes in business, marketing, technology and productivity. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Literature and an MBA (project management) from the University of Manitoba. She has worked with over a dozen websites such as SeoProfy, Techzine and NetLuxury, where she offered SEO Audits and SEO-focused writing. She works with clients in London and online, and can be contacted through email:, or Telegram @kima_nthi.
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